No Box Left Unchecked: Frontline Worker Behavior and Habits Survey
Learn how workers from staff to manager-level workers manage their day and gain insights into the root causes for potential breakdowns in your customer experience process.
Learn how workers from staff to manager-level workers manage their day and gain insights into the root causes for potential breakdowns in your customer experience process.
By establishing a human-focused workplace, companies can prioritize a positive culture and an excellent employee experience — both of which require a thorough, flexible strategy and intentional action.
When the market is heading downward, we are forced to regroup. L&D programs and platforms can be used to rapidly upskill & reskill workers to meet new business demands, create a culture of continuous learning, and engage workers in creating new career opportunities.
Employees on the ground have limited time to devote to learning, and the traditional approach is time-consuming, expensive, and lacks opportunities for engagement. Wisetail’s LXP allows for various learning opportunities like microlearning, peer-to-peer learning, and training in the flow of work so you can take a more holistic approach to achieving your training, communication, and community building goals.
LMS and LXP offer particular benefits for nonprofit organizations. From reduced operating costs to enhanced partner engagement, information sharing, user-driven employee learning provides more efficient methods for boosting donor and community outreach.
Use of social and gamified learning promotes a healthier and happier company culture, makes employees more enthusiastic about learning, and encourages retention of the material.
Confused on the difference between an LMS and LXP? You’re in the right spot. This white paper will address the differences between an LXP and an LMS and why forward-thinking leaders are opting for an LXP as the most effective investment for building company.
The significant skills gap in the job market has has led many employers to either hire people that need training, or focus on providing training as quickly as possible to employees who need upskilling or reskilling. Learn the different ways leaders can address the skills transfer gap, and how you can avoid it better.
Forward-thinking companies know that in order to meet business goals, they need to recognize and invest in people-first strategies that align with business strategies. Executives at these organizations are tying these business goals to retaining top talent, increasing revenue, enabling sales channels, and customer satisfaction for better business outcomes.
Employees on the ground have limited time available to fit in role coaching. Wisetail’s LXP allows for various learning opportunities like microlearning, peer-to-peer learning, and training in the flow of work so you can take a more holistic approach to achieve your goals.
Today’s workforce demands opportunities for professional development and growth. Utilize this easy guide to discover the best LMS for your company, and to help you attract and retain talent.
Design and branding have always mattered at Wisetail. If training is delivered in a way that looks and feels like a company’s brand, with an inviting layout, then people would actually use it.
We tapped into our community to explore how food retailers can leverage tools and technology to solve critical labor challenges. The result is our e-book, Training Simplified: Invest in your people, improve your business. Use this resource to learn how Wisetail provides leading edge communication and training features to our community.