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USE CASE: Enhancing Learning Accessibility and Engagement Across the Organization with Parachute Home

| L&D Best Practices, LMS Best Practices, LXP Best Practices, Podcast, Product, Retail, Use Cases | No Comments
Parachute Home struggled with tracking completed training, offering continuous learning beyond onboarding, and with engaging team members meaningfully.

Revolutionizing Support for Frontline Workers: Insights from Wisetail’s Special Demonar

| All, Ask A Pro, L&D Best Practices, LMS Best Practices, Restaurant | No Comments
In last month’s Demonar event, we unveiled groundbreaking enhancements to Wisetail’s product suite. This special Demonar not only highlighted the innovative strides in Wisetail’s learning…

Celebrating Earth Day: A Partnership for the Planet

| Ask A Pro, Fitness, Hospitality, L&D Best Practices, LMS Best Practices, Non-Profit, Restaurant, Retail, Supermarkets & Grocery, Wisetail Culture | No Comments
As we celebrate Earth Day, it's a powerful moment to reflect on the impact each of us can have in preserving our planet's natural treasures.…