Going Beyond the First 90 Days with an LXP
Toni Nigrelli-LaFleur | 3 min read
Finding the right fit, onboarding, and training are critical pieces of hiring and keeping employees. Done effectively, they set the foundation for a successful employee experience. But, this experience can’t just stop after 90 days, six months, or even a year – it’s an ongoing relationship that, with time, appreciates exponentially in value.
To create a culture that connects people to purpose and value – all while simultaneously providing a sense of belonging – organizations must look beyond an LMS for the first 90 days and for annual training. Instead, shift focus towards a Learning Experience Platform, LXP, as a catalyst for developing community.

Essential Components of your Employee Learning Experience
Learning Management System, or LMS, has been considered standard for organizations to deliver, track, and report on employee training programs. It is a one-way communication stream between an organization and employees to deploy information. In contrast, an LXP provides the same benefits for organizations while creating a more user-centric experience, engaging employees in a socially inspired, collaborative setting. LXPs aim to inspire and engage employees as part of the learning experience and develop a sense of purpose.
Within your LXP, four essential components must be present to elevate your training and development strategies and create a positive experience with your learning technology:

1. Easy-to-Use
We know that experiences, good and bad, can shape a user’s perception of a system and overall engagement. Employees’ experience with your learning management system should enhance their development and perception of your organization, not disincentivize them. An LXP takes a user-centric approach to create a positive association with the software as they consume and discover new information and connect with peers and leaders across the organization. In addition, user experience can directly correlate with the impact on your bottom line, affecting time spent on training, future engagement with the platform, and perception of your organization.
2. Socially Inspired Creator Platform
We live in a digital world, but as humans, we seek personal connection. LXPs help unite employees and provide a space to interact with the organization. Furthermore, an LXP allows employees to develop better relationships with fellow team members through dedicated areas for sharing, collaborating, and learning. This engagement can be enhanced through features that reflect one’s contributions within the digital world, including point systems, likes, and merits.

3. Enhance Communications
In addition to providing a collaborative space, LXPs offer a channel for effective communication between employers and employees and promote transparency. This communication goes beyond one-way dialog channels that only allow for leaders to send information to employees and instead include two-way channels that encourage feedback and suggestions.
4. Create Paths for Development
Promoting upskilling and reskilling is vital to any training and development strategy and employee investment efforts. Offering learning modules or paths allows employees to develop the necessary skills for their job today and the one they want tomorrow, which helps build a greater connection to your company. In conjunction with social and collaborative tools, employees interested in learning more can connect with leaders and peers to express interest and learn from one another, helping to create a stronger overall community.
Investing in an LXP in a Tightening Economy
It’s not enough to only focus on hiring and the first 90 days anymore. Concentrating your investments on your most critical internal assets – your employees – will help create a more productive and engaged workforce and, ultimately, brand advocates. During the 2008 recession, organizations that invested in their people came out better positioned than those that chose to take a different approach — if fact, some aren’t even in business anymore.
Read our whitepaper on the differences between LXP and LMS to learn more about how an LXP can make an impact for you.

Toni is the Product Marketing Manager at Wisetail. Hailing from Wisconsin, Toni is passionate about helping align organizations with tools and strategies that help them grow Her favorite part of Wisetail is the opportunity to dive into new industries, drawing connections & identifying synergies between communities and company infrastructure. Toni is calming, creative, intentional, thoughtful, and full of spark with her organic thought processes.