Dynamic Learning and the Growth Mindset
Wisetail | 3 min read
Dynamic learning is an enhanced training experience. It’s an adaptable approach centered on individual learner capabilities rather than traditional, syllabus-driven learning methods. With dynamic learning, trainees don’t simply memorize processes and procedures. They learn the “why” as well as the “how” and practice interpreting and applying key concepts to their work.
Dynamic vs. Static learning
“Static learning” refers to the rote learning approach typical of school days filled with textbooks, lectures, and worksheets. In static learning environments, learning is a one-way street. Relevant knowledge is delivered, memorized, regurgitated, and frequently forgotten. Static training programs supply a lot of information, but the passive nature of static delivery is neither engaging nor conducive to knowledge retention. Static learning contributes to a fixed mindset, in which learners believe talent and intelligence are established and unchanging, and opportunities for growth and improvement are limited — if they exist at all.
Dynamic learning goes beyond simple information delivery to develop learner capability and confidence. In an online learning environment, a dynamic approach introduces key concepts and allows learners to use their experience, reasoning, and critical thinking to apply them in a variety of scenarios. Dynamic learning teaches your company’s employees to use new knowledge, which increases retention, creates flexibility, builds competence and confidence, and encourages continuous learning.

Dynamic learning and the growth mindset
In business, dynamic learning supports a growth mindset — the belief that learning, development, and achievement are not only possible, but also an integral part of the purpose of work. A growth mindset embraces creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement to create a dynamic environment in which your employees are empowered to learn, evolve, and thrive for their own benefit as well as that of your organization.
Dynamic learning and the growth mindset teach employees to:
- Pursue learning and development. Employees with a growth mindset are willing to push themselves to learn, build skills, and practice new habits to improve performance.
- Embrace challenges as opportunities. By recognizing failure as an opportunity for growth, employees with a growth mindset also recognize that risk often facilitates improvement.
- Persist in the face of problems. Setbacks can feel like impassible obstacles, but a growth mindset allows employees to keep looking for alternative ways to achieve their goals.
- Welcome constructive criticism. Constructive criticism reinforces improvement as a primary learning objective. With this in mind, critical feedback is welcomed as an essential part of the learning process.
- Engage with continuous learning. With the understanding that proficiency doesn’t happen overnight, a growth mindset encourages employees to use focused, intentional, and deliberate effort to achieve learning goals.
Business benefits of a growth mindset
Business success depends on a company’s ability to create value and retain customers over time. Adopting a growth mindset empowers employees, drives profitability, and supports a dynamic learning environment for enhanced:
- Agility. With the immense disruption in the business landscape over the last few years, the flexibility to respond to sudden change is crucial for success.
- Engagement. A growth mindset helps employees recognize their own potential and encourages them to focus on their progress rather than any shortcomings.
- Resilience. When companies adopt a growth mindset initiative, employees are prepared to view problems from a positive perspective.
When employees are empowered to overcome the fear of failure, they are comfortable leveraging their capability and confidence to adapt, improve, and innovate on behalf of your business. Create a culture of continuous improvement for your company with dynamic learning, a growth mindset, and a flexible learning management system.
Ready to embrace a growth mindset? Check out our Reflections into L&D Programs Worksheet to guide you through a thoughtful exploration of your company’s L&D program. This worksheet also helps you prepare for Part III of our Reflections & Projections webinar series, Implementing Your L&D Programs. Join Wisetail leader, Jamison MacKillop, as he guides you through company buy-in of tech solutions, how to actually find the right partnerships in those tech solution providers, and how to make it all happen – to drive success!