Easy to Use
Our reporting tools are intuitive, so you can spend more time parsing data and making informed adjustments to courses and content.
Extensive User Data
Explore and analyze the full range of user data, from formal transcripts and completion reports to system activity and profile changes.
System Activity Reports
Dive into an array of LMS reporting, from the system-wide level to user transcripts, all the way down to data on individual pieces of content.
Measure Engagement
We believe there’s no greater competitive advantage than being a great place to work. So, we created a metric, Vitality, to track employee engagement. The algorithm takes into account learners’ voluntary activity within the system to give you a sense of real-time employee engagement.
The Result
With quality LMS reporting, track the progress of groups of users, mine learning data to identify those ready to move up in the organization, and harness our admin dashboard to track the analytics you need to keep improving.
Enhanced User Profiles
Our LMS gives users the power of personalization. Users can build out and customize profiles with videos, photos — everything your learners need to engage with their online training platform as much as they engage with your brand in real life.