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Struggling to keep up with training, compliance, and workforce readiness? Wisetail helps field leaders turn training data into actionable insights—reducing risks, improving efficiency, and keeping teams performing at their best.

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Improving Field Operations: Turn Training Data into Actionable Insights with Wisetail

Technology adoption isn’t just about purchasing and then implementing—it’s about people, culture, and patience. Learn why success hinges on aligning leadership, engaging end users, and setting realistic expectations for long-term transformation.

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The Art of Technology Adoption: Building Buy-In Across Your Organization

We’re joined by Kyle Gordon, Co-Founder and CEO at Dillas Quesadillas, to hear his insights on what it takes to thrive in the competitive restaurant industry. Kyle shares his journey of building a successful restaurant brand, the importance of a people-first culture and leveraging technology to scale operations.

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Operational Excellence Meets Passionate Leadership with Kyle Gordon CEO at Dillas Quesadillas

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