Josh Bersin: Learning Technologies and Platforms 2022 and Beyond

The Josh Bersin Company, 2022

The corporate learning technology market is complex and constantly evolving (see Figure 1). Today—with video everywhere, ubiquitous social networking, and AI embedded in every platform—the learning and development (L&D) market has adapted. While there are many new technologies available (e.g., xAPI, creator platforms, skills taxonomies, cohort and collaborative learning platforms, online coaching, and mentor networks), most organizations are moving away from systems that deliver plain ol’ training and toward those that also drive business capabilities to business goals. This means coupling online education and learning with skills development, practice, experience, and mentors.

As most L&D professionals know, there are countless diverse ways to train people. Each method can be used for different purposes. While we want dynamic and compelling digital experiences, we also want access to experts, projects, developmental assignments, and support tools to help employees continuously develop and grow. In 2022, corporate learning is building systems that bring these approaches together in compelling and productive ways.

Getting Started

Effectively managing these L&D technologies is challenging. This report begins by breaking down all the layers of the L&D tech stack, which will enable you to understand all the programs, tools, and frameworks you need to consider. We then explain how L&D technology fits into the larger architecture of HR technology, which includes many areas (e.g., skills ontology or the talent marketplace) that touch on L&D. Once the landscape for learning is established, we then explain the various categories of L&D technology and platforms and list a few of the important vendors in each. Finally, we present an eight-step process on how to operationalize an L&D stack that will work within your own company.

Our courses in the Josh Bersin Academy and the SuperClasses offered as part of our corporate membership program will give you more details. We are here to advise, consult, and help you with your strategy. If you read this report and use the rest of the articles, podcasts, and help provided in our membership program, you’ll become an expert. This will help you grow your company’s impact, grow your own career, and make your employees happier than ever.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s that employees value learning as much—if not more—than money at work. If you create a fantastic learning experience and a scalable easy-to-use L&D technology stack, you’ll be giving your company a critical competitive advantage.

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