
Where did you come from? How did you find your human(s)?
A super nice girl found me in the middle of the road when I got extra curious and ventured away from my mom. She took me in and snuggled me until the amazing day that she introduced me to my forever humans.

How long have you been with your human(s)?
I think I heard someone say my Gotchya Day was June 21st, 2017.

What’s your favorite activity?
Is there anything better than enjoying a warm day outside munching on the long grass as it tickles your tummy? And if you say there is something better, I don’t believe you.

Something you might not know about me:
When my foster human first found me I was so little she had to feed me with this bottle thing. My forever humans even had to do that for a couple days before I could start enjoying some mushy canned food.

In one sentence, what do you bring to Wisetail?
I bring the spunk!

When I’m not at Wisetail, you’ll find me….
Basking in some sunlight or running around upstairs like a crazy cat, stomping my paws as loud as I can so it sounds like an elephant is running around – the louder the better!

Zelda laying in the grass

What is your human’s name? Ann
Breed: If you figure it out, let me know!
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 29, 2017