Brand & Design Your LMS
Bring learning to life with great design. Wow your audience with our elegant interface designed to give you the power to keep learners engaged and exploring for more.
Bring learning to life with great design. Wow your audience with our elegant interface designed to give you the power to keep learners engaged and exploring for more.
Dress to Impress
Create a learning experience with as much character, energy, and authenticity as your brand.
Clean, modern LMS design encourages adoption and daily use, so learners spend their time mastering the material — not the technology.
Our social learning platform is instantly familiar to modern technology users which means your learners can hit the ground running on day one.
Build brand identity, loyalty, and ambassadors when you turn your digital learning platform into an extension of your brick-and-mortar operations.
Don’t settle! Your brand identity is core to your mission, vision, and culture. Bring it life in your LMS with a fully configurable platform.
User Centric
We’ve been a learner-first platform from the start (even before it was cool). Entice your learners with social-driven functionality designed to help you achieve your strategic goals.
Give high performers timely and meaningful recognition with a company-wide shoutout.
Likes, comments, and shares are designed to motivate your socially-driven learners.
Learners gain a tangible sense of ownership and community with individual profiles.
Meet the needs of a remote workforce by giving them access from any device.
”In trying to find an LMS, what was really important for us is how it’s going to interface with our employees. The simplicity and ease-of-use made Wisetail the right choice for us.
Chief HR OfficerDos Toros
Walk Your Talk
Your learners are more familiar and comfortable with a branded platform, and Wisetail gives you the power to highlight your organization’s look and feel, voice and values.
Customizable welcome messages means you can make the best first impression.
Color inside or outside the lines, it’s up to you how to use our platform.
Brand fonts communicate feeling and tone as much as the words themselves.
Design images, banners, and links to provide an immersive online learner experience.
Whether you are a trendsetter or traditionalist, your brand is what sets you apart! Our simple tools are here to fan the flames of your creativity so you can bring your brand vision to life.
Design and branding have always mattered at Wisetail. After all, the best platform is one people love using. An inviting layout and clean branding goes a long way.
Client Stories
Branding and design are essential to getting the most out of your L&D strategy and your people.